
2nd OMPT group in Poland just finished at the first we in 2024!!!

After 5 years 7 tough candidates from Poland, Slovenia, Croatia & Kosovo made it to the final exam. It means they finished 11 IMTA course weeks, 5 theoretical modules and 4 weeks MCP (managing patients under supervision). For the exam they had to prepare a scientific paper, presenting this paper in a 20 – 30 minutes lecture, passing the theoretical exam by the medical Dr., demonstrating their technical skills and doing a patient session.

We did the program for the 2nd time in cooperation with DVMT, the German association for Manual Therapists, according to the Maitland concept.
The DVMT program is accepted by the IFOMPT, the world leading organisation for Manual Therapy (neuromuscular skeletal therapy). The IFOMPT represents the highest standard of Manual Therapy. Big thx to the DVMT!!!

A patient who looks for a physio with an excellent level of academical and clinical skills, should go for an OMPT certified physio.

Congrats to all of you and thx to the examiners team!!!

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