Thomas Horre


IMTA Senior Teacher

Passions & Personality

Thomas is full of passion. He only does things he likes, the only trouble is: there are so many! Ultracyclist, black belt in karate, amateur cook, coffee enthusiast, photography lover, climber, kendama player, wine expert… these are just some!
And above all, he loves quality.
Originally German, he moved in 2018 from beautiful Hamburg to beautiful Gdansk.

Work & Back story

At his young age, Thomas used to work as a rigger at the biggest concerts for The Rolling Stones, Depeche Mode, Phil Collins, Tina Turner etc… but then he felt the call for something else, which would add more value to his professional life. Always interested in sports, anatomy and physiology of human body, he became a movement therapist.
Today Thomas is a passionate teacher and physiotherapist with 30 years of professional experience, who can explain complex diagnosis and management in a simple and practical manner.
By using a comprehensive assessment, combined with manual therapy and movement programming, he is committed to designing an effective, individualized approach with the goal of enhancing your performance and optimizing your recovery. Having gone through many injuries himself Thomas understands first hand how training can help to improve outcomes. From the very beginning of his career, Thomas emphasises the role of strengthening in physiotherapy and in the recent years he willingly uses kettlebells as an effective tool in the rehabilitation process for many patients.
He places a big emphasis on a prescription of exercise and strategies to help all his patients, whether they are athletes or not, get back to the things they love in sport and life.
As a teacher Thomas shares his knowledge and passion for this profession with students in numerous countries in Europe and even further away. He is a Senior Teacher for a worldwide recognised organisation, the IMTA (International Maitland Teachers Association). He also acts as a Clinical Mentor & Tutor in the OMPT training (Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy), which is an advanced specialisation in the understanding of complex orthopaedic pathology, and entails the most current evidence-based practice.

…follow him on social (Insta): thebetterphysio