
Kettlebells for patients: A new course

Daria and me discovered the Kettlebell in 2020 during the Corona pandemics. Initially we used it just as a practical training tool at home. But in no time we integrated it to our daily work in the clinic.

It is still totally fascinating what we are able to achieve with our patients, with the help of kettlebells. A training program tailored to their needs/problems, makes them stronger and more resilient to daily loads. Even patients with chronic pain tend to regain trust in their bodies, when they are confronted with the load and see that they can actually manage it! Moreover, kettlebells can be used as a very effective tool for cardio training, with a favourable side effect of getting stronger.

Regardless of the age and level of physical activity, the Kettlebells can be a useful approach for almost every person.
A considerable amount of evidence exits and has proven countless various positive aspects of training with the Kettlebells.
We would love to share our enthusiasm for the Kettlebells and clinical experiences with other physiotherapists.

Therefore we decided to offer 1,5 day courses in

Warsaw: 06.-07.10.2023

Hamburg: 06.-07.04.2024

More detailed infos will follow soon.

Thomas & Daria

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